💰Infinity Staking Pool

Available only for E.V Cyborgs NFTs. Mint is still live until the 3k NFTs SO.

[ISP] The only pool to have double rewards. Here you can stake your E.V Cyborgs and earn rewards both in $EGLD & $UTX. Let's see how it works:

$EGLD Rewards - Ignition Mechanism

TIERE.V Cyborgs NFTs MintedDaily reward for entire ISP


>750 NFTs

0.15 $EGLD


>1000 NFTs

0.20 $EGLD


>1500 NFTs

0.30 $EGLD


>2000 NFTs

0.40 $EGLD <- We are here!


3.000 NFTs [ Sold-out ]

0.50 $EGLD

$UTX Rewards


Floor Price on MarketDaily Reward for each Cyborg staked


1 $UTX

3.23 $EGLD

3.23 $UTX

Want more rewards? For $EGLD rewards we need to get to the next tier as explained in the table. For $UTX token rewards, being based on the FP mechanism, you have to raise the FP. That's it! Remember also the max reward/day fixed at 5 $UTX/NFT.

48h unstake period! During this period, if you change your mind you can cancel the unstake with immediate effect.

Last updated